"Monitor Only" system piggy-backs on existing facilities
When Dicam networks came into existence, they were placed in new construction
facilities. But recently we've developed a product that we call "Monitor
Only" that can piggy-back on existing facilities.
Monitor Only systems are different because you keep your investment
in your existing control equipment, while adding the data gathering
capabilities of a Dicam network. Your employees don't need to learn
how to use a new controller AND they will get the benefit of having data to use
to manage the environment.
Typical Monitor Only systems include a few temperature sensors in each room,
and 1 or more water meters throughout the facility, as well as Mains
Detect devices (used to detect power supplied to a device) placed on
feed auger motors or heaters, etc.
Monitor Only systems are less expensive than our "Integrated Package" because
the network requires fewer components. This makes Monitor Only systems an
attractive choice when you are looking in to upgrading your management